Tuesday, February 3, 2015

How do you rate?

Today, I distributed a Baseline Reading Survey and have begun to crunch some of the data.  These open-ended questions were handwritten.  

1. On a scale of 1 to 10 (ten is the best) how would you rate your feelings about reading:
2. What do you like about reading?
3. Why is this?
4. What do you dislike about reading?
5. Why do you think this is?
6. What do you find most difficult about reading?
7. What are some things that help you with reading?
8. Have you noticed your reading improving as you get older?
9. If you answered yes to #8, why do you think it has?
10. If you answered no to #8, why do you think it hasn’t?

I am finding this sooooooooo interesting and I am loving seeing my students thoughts on reading and it is amazing how much I am learning just by looking at their thoughts differently than I have before!  I thought I totally knew my kids, but just from this little ten question survey, I feel so much more in touch.  The first question asked them to "rank" themselves as readers - simple scale of 1 to 10 with ten being the best.  When I first looked at it, I tallied the percentages of 1's, 2's, etc...They were all so similar, it really didn't tell me anything - I have included that graph below: 

The next chart  includes the same data in a different way.  As I mentioned, the first chart didn't really reveal a quick glance of my students' opinions of their reading abilities.  As a result, I decided to "rank" the 1 to 10 scale as percentages: 

A = 9-10
B = 8
C = 7
D = 6
F = 5 and below

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