Wednesday, February 4, 2015

What's the problem? What's so difficult?

Back to the survey data!  The more I look at the Baseline Reading Survey, the more valuable I see this information.  It is so nice to really stop and examine what my students think about reading.  I think sometimes as teachers we are SO bogged down, we think we are tapping into every need of our students and that we really know them, but we may not be as much as linked-in as we think.   Today, I am examining the following question: 


Prior to the survey, I would have have put money on the following response that they "just don't like it."  Well, well, well...what a surprise! I don't know everything after all!  I was completely blown away to learn that 50% of them find unknown and difficult words to be the most difficult! What!?! Vocabulary!?!  Never in a million, I see that vocabulary work is much needed, and I am seeing a need to incorporate this skill into our work EVERY DAY!  In fact, the journals need to incorporate a new "word of the day" - selected individually by each student from whatever they read that day in class.  We shall see...this may help!

In addition to struggles with vocabulary, my students shared a number of other difficulties:

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